June Dinner Notes

We had a wonderful evening at Sorrentos last Thursday.  When we arrived at the restaurant, the hostess was kind of apologetic and explained that they weren’t sure they could sit us all together so they made a decision to put us in their wine room- and hoped we weren’t upset with that decision.  Well…….first of all it was a wine room!  One entire wall was wine bottles so right there they had us.  Second- it was a private room with a long table!  It was such a. perfect set up for us- we could talk, we could shed tears if that turned out to be the case that particular night (it wasn’t- but still…) and we could, and did sit there forever.  Winner, winner Italian dinner!

Other than good food, good company – 14 of us-  we talked about getting older, life changes, travel, I think I heard something about the Reds.  It is just so nice to see everyone so comfortable with each other- we know we can talk about anything and there are many times we end up having a mini meeting at dinner and that is ok.  Thanks to Annie for planning each month’s dinner.  If you have suggestions for places to go, just email them to tcfofcincinnatinorth@gmail.com

Remember- our July meeting will be the 2nd Tuesday due to the 4th of July holiday.  So we will see you on Tuesday, July 11th, 7pm at our normal meeting place.   This will be our summer potluck dinner- our first potluck since Covid.  Please keep in mind easy to share foods and bring serving pieces should they be needed.   The chapter will supply some sort of main dish- open to suggestions- and you can bring your loved one’s favorite meal, side, dessert to share.  We will have plates and tableware.  We will also be sending off bubbles while we share a favorite story or fact about our child, grandchild or sibling.

Additionally, our July dinner out will now be Thursday, July 27th due to many of us being unavailable the week before.  Details to come.

Hope to see you on the 11th.




July Meeting Notes


June Meeting Notes